Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nat·u·ral ,ˈnaCHərəl, nah-chu-rahl Adjective

Existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.

Ror·schach rôr'shäk', "Roar-shack",Noun

Swiss psychiatrist. His inkblot test, introduced in 1921, has become a standard clinical diagnostic tool in psychiatry.

Have you ever gone cloud watching? It's that old time tradition of lying out on a grassy field in the warm summer sun, staring up at the sky watching those strange and yet familiar clouds as they roll by. As you gaze upward you find your imagination and sub conscience begin to bend and shape those clouds into recognizable shapes, figures, faces, animals, etc.

Some images brought to mind are cute, playful, fun...
Others..... not so much...
The point is that our minds are terribly creative and powerful devices. Our minds find images and familiar shapes wherever we look. Take this tree for example, we know it's a tree, but our minds can't help but look at this picture and see a fantastic dragon's head and neck.
The creative process implements this sub conscience "image finder" when coming up with inspiration for paintings, drawing, film, etc. What I'm hoping to accomplish with this blog is to help squeeze out those creative juices and to pass along the training I've gathered through the years, so that when you come across a random picture that your friend has posted on facebook like this...'ll be able to get a laugh and turn it into this...
Here's another example. I saw this as my friend's profile pic...
...and came up with this forest goddess scene.
From today forward, once a week I'll be uploading an image like this coffee stain I ran into at work...
And will see how many different things people see in it, followed by my crude drawing of what I saw there. This one I saw a boy riding on a skateboard, wearing a cardboard box,...and a wheel broke off? haha.
Not my best drawing but you get the idea. Here is the creative inspiration challenge for this week. Look at this picture and comment on what you see.

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